ST. AGNES ALUMNI JAN, 2010 Dear Alumnus/Friend: Can you believe we are in a new year 2010? Well, I want to wish you a Happy, Healthy New Year with God's blessings always. I would like to thank ,each & everyone who sent me lovely Christmas cards kind notes & prayers, it helped me get through the holidays & I will always be so thankful, I did not send cards this year. "HERE 'N THERE": We in the East have had some very cold weather & lots of rain according to statistics the worst since 1985, however, I guess we can consider ourselves lucky compared to other places. Received a nice phone call from Salvador Montalvo asking to be put on the mailing list, he lives in Carthage, MO., he was at St Agnes 56-65 he had 3 brothers, Juan, Wilfred & Carlos, Juan left St Agnes in 1962, Salvador re¬members John Glenn & Mr. O'Brien very well. he also mentioned a lot about Coach Faulk, nice hearing from you Salvador. Recieved a nice letter from Henry & Helen Morrero out of Middletown, DE. They would like to know if anyone remembers Henry's brother or his whereabouts. Henry himself was at St Agnes 1941-44, he & his wife celebrated their 20th wedding anniv 9/20/09 (congratulations) & on the 25th he was in the hospital for 4 days with angina attacks. Henry was asked, "do you have any brothers?" his reply was, "yes about 700". Henry had a half-brother, Norberto Chandia. They were both at St. Agnes. He was born 12/1/31, before they lived at 113rd St, NY. Their mother died in 1938. Henry went to Boot Camp, came back & saw his brother for the 1st time. Henry was only 17 at the time. He would love to know if anyone would remember him. If so, please let me know & I will pass the info on. Rec'd a nice note along with pictures from Jim Merna he had a nice Christmas with his children & grandchildren, they visited him in Annapolis. In Nov he attended a Mega-reunion of a number of classes at the old TZHS. He said it was a never to be repeated, one in a lifetime, a rememberable & most enjoyable experience with schoolmates of many years. A note from Rod Dayton informs us that after seeing him at the picnic in August, he had rotator surgery & had months of therapy, he was looking forward to be released from his doctor & hopefully going back to driving the tour bus. Good luck, Rod. His good news was he found & visited his friend from St Dominic's & St. Agnes (Carlos Morales) he invited him to his home in Palm Coast, FL. Carlos is a retired NY fireman. Recieved a Christmas letter from Fr. Figueroa that his sister typed for him since his hands were sore. Father had a 4-way by-pass & was in the hospital a month. We sure hope you take it easy now & have a good recovery. He asks all to pray for him. Rec'd a phone call recently from Fr. Masterson informing us he had just returned from the states. He came to celebrate his 25th anniversary of his ordination with Sisters of Sparkill. They had a nice celebration for him. Father was a Franciscan Brother for 30 years before becoming a priest. He stayed 2 weeks. It was 86 degrees when he left Brazil & it was 16 degrees while here. Needless to say he did not go out much. Congratulations Father, stay well & have many more years in your calling. "DUES:" Annual dues $10.00 are payable anytime send checks to above address. Many have paid already & we appreciate that. "REMEMBER: Always take time to remember our Service man & women & their families who are making such sacrifices so we may someday have peace in the world. "ATTN": Remember this is your letter so please send us some news about yourself & family. "R.I.P." Sorry to mention we lost 2 more members, may their souls Rest in peace.
Vince McMahon 9/14/09 Our prayers go out to both families. Till the next time, stay well & God Bless;
Since Easter was early & the printer was on vacation I could not send Easter greetings, so I hope everyone had a great one & that you enjoy Spring & summer after all the storms & hurricanes we had; so many trees down, people with, out power for weeks, floods in their homes & had to evacuate. It was a terrible disaster & hardship. Our prayers go out to all. Received a phone call from the daughter of member Bill Herbert who recently underwent a serious operation. She requested our prayers. She is planning a 75th birthday for him on Apr. 15th. We wish you all the best Bill & a Happy birthday. If you want to send a card, his add: 111 Younge St. Brick, NJ 08724. Rec'd a phone call from Carl Flaig (56-65) who would like to know if anyone remembers him or has any news about that time. He would also like to know if anyone has any pictures of the football teams. His add: is 1363 Main St. Rotterdam Junction, NY 12150. A note from Hedy Roberts informs us her husband, George, will be 90 yrs old 5/8/10. He was at St Agnes 1926-36, he & his brother Bill. Congratulations George & God Bless. Thanks for the nice note. Thanks also to Marie & Nick Marcigliano for the nice note thanking me for the newsletter & saying how much they appreciate it. Jerry Merna is seeking info about former "House's Kid" & Marine, Malachy Kevin Murphy for a story he is writing. Any & all info would be appreciated such as background at St Agnes (sports, hobby, etc.) Class at TZHS, age, birth place, family friends, is he still living? If so, where? Jerry is getting his Military records but needs some basic info first. Please call write or e-mail Jerry as follows: Gerald F Merna, 46386 Bluestem Court, Potomac Falls, VA, 20165-6461. Tel: 702-4063390. Email: gfmerna-usmc@verizonnet. Any pictures would be appreciated & returned. Credit will be given to those who submit any pictures and/or stories. A note from John Panagakos informing us he will be 90 yrs old 7/4/10 & hopes to attend the picnic this year. In the past, John was a big help to Joe Rosen with the picnic. Sure would love to see you John. Stay well! Nice thank you note From Bob Millspaugh (39-43) from GA, who now lives with his daughter & husband. He is now 85 yrs old & doing fairly well with a few minor problems. Thanks for writing, Bob. Jim Shea (Cl 54) writes from CT. to say his 3 daughters who attended the picnic last year with him wanted us to know how much they enjoyed it & we enjoyed them. They are looking forward to the picnic this year. Jim also writes how much he enjoys getting the newsletter. Thanks Jim. Barney Kiernan was a classmate of my late husband at St Agnes. He lives with his wife & family in VT. His grandson is married to a teacher whose name is Prudence Krasofski & who wrote an article for the Outstanding Teachers Recognition Day booklet. She wrote a story that Barney told her about while he was at St Agnes & it is a true story; one which I enjoyed so much I read it 3 times; so I am inclosing a copy for all of you to enjoy. I can't get the connection of the corn kernels & safety pins, but it is amazing what the kids did just to get a sip of candy water. Thanks so much for sharing the story with us Barney & family. Father Francis Butler (House's Kid) will be celebrating his 25th Anniv, in the priesthood & is so happy in his calling. Father sent me the most beautiful gold chalice asking me to take it to the Dominican Sisters at Sparkill, NY. He wants the Sisters to know he is giving it from the Alumni & on the bottom is engraved to the Sisters from St Agnes Alumni in the memory of all the young men passed through At Agnes Orphanage. I will ask Sister Summa to bring it to the picnic in Aug. so you can see it. Father's address is at bottom of letter so you can send a card & also a thank you. Congratulations Father & thanks a million! Rec'd a phone call last week asking if anyone would know the history of the late Edmund McGrath who was killed in Korea & is listed on the Memorial at St, Agnes. If anyone knows anything about him please inform me & I will Pass it on. Thank you. Glad to hear John Antonacci got a good report from his doctor the last check-up. He is looking forward to the picnic in August, As per the by-laws, the executive committee recommends the Association ratify the appointments to the executive committee: James Dunn & Ray Adames. further, consideration, the committee appoints Patrick Moriarty acting Pres. until such time as he is confirmed by votes of the members at the annual picnic in Aug. 2010. Recommended by David MacMillan, Ex. Comm. AN EARLY REMINDER Annual Picnic Saturday Aug 21st 2010 BE SURE TO ATTEND & ENJOY THE DAY. Don't forget as I told you in the last latter, If you do not send me any news there won't be any letter, so get busy. R, I, P,
Please take a few minutes each day & pray for all the service men & women who are sacrificing so much & also for their families just so we may have Peace in the world, God Bless Them All. Address: Anniversary is May 25th 2010 Until the next letter [signed] Gloria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Refer to the note above on Barney Kiernan]
ST AGNES ALUMNI July, 2010 Dear Alumnus/Friend: Greetings: Can you believe we are in the middle of Summer, 2010 and the past few days itt has been very hot & dry, where does the time go? [signed] |
ST AGNES ALUMNI FALL: 2010 Dear Alumnus/Friend: Once again it's time to drop by & say "hello" & welcome the Fall season after the very hot & humid summer we had. I will begin with telling you the 64th annual picnic was a great success & those who attended had good time & a good baseball game. It could never be a "HIT" without the great staff in the kitchen who did a wonderful job. They are: David MacMillan & wife Pat plus their son, Andrew & Debbie Moriarty, who not only worked in the Kitchen but baked many beautiful desserts again this year, for the Alumni & myself our sincere gratitude for all you did. The winners of the raffle are as follows: 1st Prize: $500.00 Jennie Rosich, Bronx. 2nd Prize $300.00 Aida Ocacio, Bklyn, NY. 3rd Prize $100.00 Jake Miraglia, Tappan Zee and 4th Prize $100.00 Thomas Rondon, PA. Congratulations to all. It is well worth the effort & time spent on the project. NOTE: Your new President of the Alumni was nominated & accepted at the picnic is: Patrick Moriarty (Class 50-54) who lives in Pleasant Valley, NY 12569. "HERE 'N' THERE": I will start out Congratulating Joe & Evelyn Stanaitis who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 18, 2010 in Sicily, Italy. They also had a nice trip in May when they went to Ireland. They are the parents of two sons. Also David & Pat MacMillan celebrated their 50th Oct. 16. 2010 with a party in the Bronx where they reside. They are the parents of seven children. Many more happy, healthy years together with God's Blessings to both of you. A letter from Dot & Bill Meisenzahl informing us they could not attend the picnic this year as they were packing to move to a different location in VT, after living where they are now for forty years. It is just too much work to keep up the place now that the children are gone, we wish you luck in selling & the best in your new location. We missed you at the picnic. In one of the recent letters, someone was trying to locate Edmund McGrath. Unfortunately they read in a newspaper with a picture & his name on a Memorial plaque of Rockland residents that were killed in the Korean War. Rec'd a long letter from Helena Marrero, wife of member Henry, informing us he has been in & out of the hospital a lot lately after having a stent(?). He has had all kinds of problems including blood clots. She asks our prayers for him. Do pray he is doing much better & is back home. They are still trying to locate his half-brother, Norberto Clandis DOB 12/1/31. Chip Cipolla along with his raffle money, dues & donation informs us he is retired from teaching school & has started a new career, he is now an entertainer on Cruise Ships as a dance host. He gave all the credit to the nuns who taught him how to dance while at St Agnes 1935-38, the best to you, Chip. Sure sounds like a lot of fun & a great way to enjoy retirement. A letter from Angelo Osorio tells us he was at Ft Dix in 1949. He was placed on Guard Duty. He said what he knew about guard duty could fill a thimble. He had to walk 100 ft. with a rifle on his shoulder. There was no moon out but there was a comforting sound emanating from someone playing the radio & the song was Frankie Laine (That Lucky Old Sun.) It gave him comfort. In 1950 he was sent to the Philippines & on the ship was a fellow from St Agnes, Jerry Polidoro. While at St Agnes, Angelo used to hang around with John Altomare, Jerry Polidoro & Philip DiTulio (they used to call him "Radio" because he liked to sing), also Tom DiBlassio & a few others that escapes his memory. He, like many others, used to caddy to make a few bucks. Thanks Angelo. Nice letter from Michael Morphis thanking me for everything & wishing me well. He was sorry to read in the last letter about Robert Noble passing. He was a classmate. A letter from Bill Herbert saying he wanted to thank all who prayed for him while he underwent serious operations & while recuperating. He was at the picnic with his family & look great, thank God. God bless you Bill & stay well. Rec'd a nice note from Phil Evans thanking me for the work I do for St Agnes Alumni & wishing me luck & good health. Phil was at St Agnes in the 1940's. Thank you Phil, nice to hear from you. Heard from Rod Dayton who now lives in Milford, PA. Rod tells us it was in July more than 50 yrs ago he was counting the days when he would be leaving the Dominican Sisters in their convent/children's home. He spent all his childhood there & upon his 17th birthday he looked forward to enlisting in the Air Force. Listening to the radio while mopping the convent's dormitory floor a song came on. The music moved him so he dropped the mop & put his ear to the speaker to hear the rest of "Day by Day" & he took an interest in an unusual & distinguished musical score & the only memories of his mother's beautiful singing voice. Being a choir boy & over the years with many school performances, also playing bugle in the Fife & Drum band. He still remembers how Larry Calderon used to get us to harmonizing with the popular group sounds. Rod is still a Tour Guide. He drives for Academy Tours Bus Co. & travels all over the world. A letter from Bernard Neville tells us 3 girls (sisters) contacted him after seeing his name on the internet & asking if he was from St. Agnes? If so let them know. Of course the answer was yes. They wanted to know if he knew their father, Mr. Griffin as he was a teacher 7th grade at St Agnes. He left St. Agnes in 1957 to marry their mother. The girls did not know much of their father because he died at an early age & the girls were so young. Bernie was such a help to them because he remembered a lot about Mr. Griffen & he made it his business to meet with them in person at our picnic in Aug. They spent a long time together & they were so thankful to Bernie they gave him a ride home to Jamaica, NY. After all these years they were so happy to get the info they had been looking for. The sisters have been very successful in their careers, one being a Professor, nice ending to a story. A note from Jim Merna thanking me for keeping up the newsletter. Jim wrote a column in a local newsletter in Annapolis about the latest group of newly commissioned Marine Corps LTs to graduate just a few months ago from the Class Of 2010 at the US Naval Academy, what they have accomplished, & lies ahead for them as leaders in the US Armed Forces. Like all other service academy graduates, they are truly the nation's finest & brightest. We are all indebted to them & their families for the blessings & freedom we all enjoy. Joyce & Rick Irizarry want to thank Luigi Crispino, Dave & Pat MacMillan & their son & Pat & Debbie Moriarty for helping cleaning out their storage shed in Congers, NY & taking the furniture etc. While they were here for the picnic they got that accomplished. They shed some laughter & some tears but afterwards, they all went out for dinner & had a good time. DUES: Annual dues $10.00 payable anytime. Make checks to St Agnes Alumni. I want to thank those who sent dues & donations with the return of their chance book. It is very much appreciated. REMEMBER TO TAKE 5 MINUTES EACH DAY & SAY A PRAYER FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN & THEIR FAMILIES WHO ARE MAKING SO MANY SACRIFICES SO WE MAY HAVE PEACE IN THE WORLD. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. R.I.P.: As I always say it is so sad to have names to put in this column. Laff column; A monologue is when one woman is talking. When 2 women are talking it's a catalogue. These were from our dear friend, Joe Rosen that I received; more the next time. I rec'd the following one from Mary Clifford; thought you would like it. I pray all will have a Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for when you read the terrible news in the papers. Till the next time stay well & God Bless. 1 Incl: PS NOTE: The Babcock brothers are always so faithful in showing up + bringing their baseball bats and balls. They always get a good game together and this year was great! They even had 81 year old Rudy Loyola out there enjoying himself. He came down from VT with his wife. So good to see you both. Rudy has his own Barber shop and still cuts hair every day. Keep up the good work, Rudy! A special thank you to Don Dillon who lives in the Sr. Citizen complex . Again, this year, he sold 21 chance books for the Alumni. Also, yo John Antonacci: who, again bought 21 chance books and put most of them in different nun’s names. Last year, one of the nuns in St. Louis won $300.00. Sincerely
Transcribed mostly as is - by Pete Feliciano |
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