Alumni Newsletter Spring 2006

St Agnes Alumni Assoc
9 Glen Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
TEL: 845-446-4091

Spring, '06

Dear Alumnus/Friend:

Spring has sprung & summer is just around the corner so please try to enjoy both, this season is one of the prettiest, trees so green & flowers peeking through the ground. Also Easter is just in a few weeks, so we hope all have a blessed Easter & remember the real meaning of it & the sacrifice that was made.

"HERE N' THERE: As you remember, St. Agnes Alumni will be 60 yrs old this year & along with his dues, Cornelius O'Neill from CA. said he thought it would be nice if the members got together for an Alumni dinner some Sunday evening, he wants people to think about it & let us know.

Speaking of the 60th how about more people making an effort to attend the Annual Picnic at the Piermont Pavilion & getting with your "Brothers" & having a nice time chatting, eating, playing a game of baseball, etc. 60 yrs. is a long time & we are still going strong however every time a letter is going out it has names under R.I.P., so give a serious thought.

Rec'd a surprize phone call from Frank Asciola, it's been a long time. He tells us he has been mourning after losing his young wife 5 yes ago from cancer, Frank took care of her right till the end, so sorry to hear that Frank, also he had some medical trouble of his own with his heart, we do pray things are better for you Frank.

Heard from Joyce & Rich Irizarry down in their winter home in Naples, FL. Rich is keeping busy selling real estate & Joyce is working plus doing volunteer, work & in between they get a chance to play golf & tennis.

Along with a check for dues, etc., John Panagakos says he hopes to be able to make the picnic this year in Aug., sure look forward to seeing you again John & stay well.

Nice hearing from Barney Kiernan he wrote & thanked us for a picture we sent him from the time he was at St. Agnes (1940 vintage) all of 135 lbs of dynamite, ha, a couple of years later the Army got him up to 145 lbs. So good hearing from you, Barney.

In the past few letters we asked your prayers for Bill Doherty who was very sick in the VA hospital, Bill passed away 2/19/06 after a long battle with cancer. Artie attended his wake & his sister with whom he resided asked him to relay thanks for the many prayers of the Alumni & the Sisters & a Special thanks to Gerry Merna who interceded for her to keep Bill in the VA Hospital, the VA wanted to release him 3 weeks before he died & his sister did not know what to do, Gerry made some important phone calls & it did the job, his family was most thankful, good work, Gerry. John Antonacci was very faithful in visiting Bill at the VA Hospital.

A few months ago we enclosed a picture of a monument & a letter from the Am. Legion asking for a donation for the monument to be erected in Piermont honoring all the veterans from the surrounding areas, we were informed recently they were pleased to announce it is the making & they hope to have the dedication around Memorial Day, so we want to thank all for their donations, etc.

You may have seen recently on TV where two NY policemen were shot in NY by a deranged person, thank God they had their bullet-proof vests on, one of these men was the son of member John Antonacci, John tells us his son is going to be OK, he may lose some of his hearing in one ear due to the bullet passing his face that closely, thank God they will be alright, these brave men have a tough job. John himself goes into the hospital this month for serious heart problems so please pray for all, I asked the Sisters to do the same.

We want to thank Dave Feliciano for informing us of the passing of his classmate, John "Sammy" Tolins, he died in Feb. from Alzheimer disease at the early age of 70. Dave attended his wake in NY.

We did not have room in the last letter to mention some of the memories that John Wiska sent, it will bring many memories back to a lot of you. He writes "Sister Rita, the best Sister there ever was. Sister Basil, from the infirmary, Cod Liver Oil & vitamins. Tarry & Rocco Tarantino, two great people & great baseball players (hitters) they would hit it over the shop building. Mr. Fitzgerald drove bus on outings & always seemed to know what you were doing, a great guy.

Memories also of watching "Farmer Gray cartoons & Milton Berle on a TV in school auditorium on A B/W TV set, also watched "Bandstand, Hit Parade, Million Dollar Movie" Having to watch Msgr. Fulton Sheen every week. Having to say the Rosary every night in May in front of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes by the ball field. Sleeping in the cottages & listening to the Oldies on a radio, such as Inner Sanctum, the Lone Ranger, the Shadow. Going to Bear Mt. in the summer., Receiving hard candy, pen & pencil set from the telephone Co. every Christmas. Ice skating & hockey on the lake, fall in on the ice. & everyone seems to remember picking beans in Persipanny, NJ. Sleigh riding on the "hill" with sheets of cardboard. great memories. It's nice the "House's Kids" never forget these things.

Remember please send us news about yourself, your family, that's what makes the letter.

DUES: Dues $10.00 per year, payable anytime, make checks payable to St. Agnes Alumni & mail to above address. Thank you & thanks to all who have already paid, it keeps us in business.

R.I.P.: Chas. A Grogan 9/05- Sister Marian Frederick- 11/29/05- Sister Damien 1/06 - Wm. Doherty, 2/19/06 - Sister Violet M Kiester (101) 2/21/06 Hohn "Sammy: Tolins 3/17/06. May their souls rest in peace, they will be remembered in our Annual Mass in Nov..

ANNUAL PICNIC Sat: Aug 19, 2006
Piermont Pavilion, Piermont, NY
12:00 Noon till ??
More in the next newsletter.

We ask you again to take at least 5 minutes of your time each day to remember the men & women who are serving this country & making great sacrifices, especially those who are in Iraq. Also pray for their families. Thank you;

In closing we want to say again "Blessed Easter & a Happy One.

Till the next letter, God Bless & stay well.

Artie & Gloria.

Alumni Newsletter July 2006

9 Glen Road
Highland Falls, NY 10928
TEL: 845-446-4091

Dear Alumnus/Friend:

Time to stop by and say "Hello" and hope each & everyone is staying well & enjoying the summer in between the rain drops.

As we mentioned in the last letter, St. Agnes Alumni is celebrating it's 60th year & we are proud it is still active. The late coach, Jim Faulk started the organization in 1946, Joe Rosen was elected the President and ner an advisory committee was appointed consisting of Art Kingsley, Henry Hold Wm. Pizzaria, Robt. Rosario & Dan Reilly. Secretary was John Sullivan. $ince it is the 60th anniversary, we hope more people make a special effort to attend the picnic & renew old friendship & memories, we would love to see some new faces this year slong with our wonderful faithful ones that attend each year, please give it serious thought..

"Here 'N There: WE want to thank Walter Rooney. Along with his dues sent a nice donation to the Alumni, thanks so much Walter.

Rec'd a nice letter from Father Francis Butler thanking the Alumni for their prayers & generosity. Father has a tough job & keeps very busy but loves his calling to the priest­hood.

A letter from Rod Dayton tells us he has been very busy giving tour guides since March. He has been taking students from Explore America all around the Eastern Seaboard. It's the largest student tour Co. in America. He flies to Boston gives them tours of Boston, Lexington & Concord, then back to NYC to tour all over the City, seeing shows, museums Statue of Liberty then go to Washington to visit all attractions including the White House. He sometimes goes to Mt Vernon & Williamsburg, Va. He finishes with the students Jun 25th, then back to driving for Academy Bus Co. Incidentally one day an instructor from the bus Co. was taching the workers & got talking to Rod one of the conversations waa playing handball while young & Rod was so surprized, he asked him where & would you believe? he said St. Agnes. His name is Salvatore Reyes. We added him to our mailing list. He [aSH ?] said he left St Agnes 1960.

Happy to announce a few names to our mailing list. Besides Salvatore Reyes;
Manny Acosta from NY. at St Agnes (1972-77) he is looking forward to attending the picnic with his family,
Louis Lopez. & Marie McDonald who sent a check, she remembers a lot of the Alumni from Piermont HS, some of them used to stop by & see her." thanks Marie.

Had a nice chat with John Sekreta from the State of Wash., John is recuperating nicely from heart surgery & he said it was because of the prayers of the Nuns & the alumni, great talking to you, John.

A note from Louie Lopez from CA., he said he found the Alumni on the WEB Site & enjoying it so much & thanks everyone for doing a good job.

Rec'd a letter from Father Figueroa thanking all for everything & saying how happy he was to attend the picnic last year & renew old friendships. It was a surprize to all to see him.

Glad to hear John Antonacci is recuperating after heart surgery, he haj a bad experience at the hospital but thank God again the prayers brought him through it all & we look forward to seeing him in Aug.

A letter rec'd from John Maloney informs us his brother, Patrick (Paddy) Maloney died 9/10/05 at St. Albans VA Hospital & is buried in a military cemetery in Long Island NY. John & his brother became House's Kids in eary 1942, Paddy left in 1957 & John left in 1951, John says how much he enjoys the newsletter & reading all the different names, especially Tarry & Rocco Tarantino. He thinks it was Tarry who he worked for on Sat. morning in the laundry room he would bring coffee & rolls to us from the Nun's side. John has a lot of good memories from St. Agnes. glad to hear from you John.

A note from Antony DeVecchi AKA Donald Martin, CI of 1937-45, saying how much he enjoys the newsletter. Thanks Antony.

Short note from Art Willets along with a check to St Agnes saying enjoy the picnic, sorry you can't make it. Art, Thanks for your donation. Great news from Bob & Aida Rosich, they are making plans to attend the picnic. Bob is a walking miracle, even the doctors say so, after having a stroke. Look forward to seeing you both.

If anyone knows where Alfred Sanduval & John Watson moved to please let us know. Father Masterson informs us he is coming to the states early & going to help say Mass, etc at St. Agnes. He will be at the picnic.

Many of you made a donation to the VFW Memorial Fund, including the Alumni, for a beautiful statue in honor of the servicemen from the Piermont area. It was dedicated Memorial day with a beautiful ceremony & the statue is magnificent, you have to really touch it to realize the jacket & back-pack are not real leather. You must take a look the day of the picnic. It is not from the pavilion where the picnic is held. The VFW wants to have a little service at the Memorial that Artie installed at St Agnes 10 yrs ago to honor the "House's Kids" that made the great sacrifice. That will take place Aug. 19th about 10:30AM, the day of the picnic before we start the picnic. the VFW were surprized so many "House"s Kids" lost their lives. Please try to attend, It w111 be a great tribute.

We ask your prayers for Richard Merna, who is seriously ill, we have asked the Dear Sisters to do the same.

DUES $10.00 per year payable anytime, check made out to St Agnes Alumni & sent to above address, thank you.

Inclosed you will find the annual chance book, prizes awared the day of the picnic. We raised the prizes a little this year. Please make returs[?] to St Agnes Alumni, to the above address. We appreciate your support, it helps with the expenses of the letter & mailing. Thank you in advance, you have been great in the past.

R.I.P. As we always say, it is with sorroww this heading. Frank A Cioffi 8/24/99, 3/12/06 Robt. Rhatigan. John H Pat Rhatigan passed away 3/8/06 & than his brother, Robt. there are only 2 Rhatigan brothers alive.

There were several Sisters who died this year that we were notified about. Sister Catherine Regina Qerte 1/1/06 Sister Violet Kuster 2/21/06
Sister Adele Acton 4/1/06
Sister Mary Peter 4/16/06
Sister John William 6/13/06

We have to mention names in Patrick Maloney 9/10/05, informed us his niece, Ruth passed away on 3/12/06. mow

All the above Sisters dedicaed more than 50 yrs of their life to being a Nun. May all the above deceased rest in peace.

ANNUAL PICNIC: Sat: Qug. 19th
Piermont Pavilion
12:00 Noon till ??

Again we will have coffee, donuts & rolls till about 1:00, then Hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, etc desserts, soda.

WE WANT TO SEE A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE" Again we ask you to take at least 5 minutes each day to say a prayer for all the service men & women serving our country & all those who made the great sacrifice so we may have peace in the world. God Bless them a~l; Also remember their families. Thank you

See you in August

, , , , , , , Till then God Bless & stay well.

Artie & Gloria.

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