ST AGNES ALUMNI JUL: 09 Dear Alumnus/Friend: Here we are again, can't believe it is July already but glad after such a rainy June, even the local farmers are worried about their crops.Do hope everyone is doing OK. 1 will start off saying it was very disappointing, the results of the recent survey, it cost over $100.00 to send out more than 400 & we only received 37 returns even the it wouldn't cost anyone to return them & some of them weren't signed. Some of them say they don't come because they don't know anyone. If you attended St Agnes you are a "House's Kid" like all the others so why not come & introduce yourself & mingle with the other Alumni regardless of the years you were there at St Agnes. The company is good, the food is great & it makes for a lovely day. Bring family & get to know the "guys" you may even want to get in a game of baseball. We understand if health problems or distance prevents you from coming, but so many live in the NY area & surrounding area. So much for all of that. HERE N THERE: Rec'd a request from a Committee member on the TZ Reunion asking me to put a little notice in our newsletter so here it is: Quote:
Along with a check & a little more for the picnic Pat Rooney wrote if anyonewould like his Email address it is He would like to hear from you. A note from Chris Keegan said how much he enjoyed the poem that was inclosed in the last letter. He was able to read it after eye surgery. Glad Clad to hear Mike Rhatigan is recuperating nicely after triple by-pass. Look forward to seeing you at the picnic. Nice hearing from classmate' Bernie Kiernan from Burlington' VT'' Bernie told us they had 95 inches of Snow & he sure was looking forward to Spring , he inclosed a darling picture of his grandchild 5 1/2 yrs old & is taking skiing lessons. Thanks Bernie. It was great talking to you on the phone. Ralph Pollice Ocala, FL. wrote a lovely note saying how he looks forward to the newsletter & how much he really enjoys reading it. He asked how long have I been doing the letter & I must say since 1980 when dear Joe Rosen asked if I could help him. I enjoy it & do my best. It's not the best I know. He said the letter picks up his spirits' his memories go back to 1932-42 when he left. He was at any early age & only has fond memories & prays that before he departs this earth he will be able to come & visit St Agnes once more. Thanks Ralph & God Bless. Thanks to Nick & Marie Marcigliano for their nice note. Phil Evans wrote & said he really enjoyed the poem from Coach Faulk' he & his brothers Art & Walter were at St Agnes in 1942. Father Figueroa sends an Easter Greeting & thanks everyone for their lasting friendship. He sends a big hug & express a special prayer for peace & love. Nice hearing from Raul Morales (1941-50) it's been awhile. He informs us he was in a serious auto accident last Sept. & is now living with his daughter & family in Walden, NY. He has recuperated very well, thank God & intends to come back to the picnic in Aug. we look forward to seeing you again, Raulp; sells quite a few chance books for us & we do appreciate that. DUES: Dues $10'00 are dues anytime make check to St Agnes Alumni & send to the above address. INCLOSURES: Our annual raffle book is inclosed, if your means can afford it we would appreciate it' make returns to St Agnes Alumni & mail to above address R.I.P. Reyes' Angel' brother of member Herminio died 10/07 May their souls rest in Peace & our prayers are with their families' Please take a few minutes each & every day to remember our service Men & Women who are serving our country & also those who made the great sacrifice so we may have peace in the world. Also pray for all their families. Annual picnic: Sat: Aug 15th 2009 Come one come all! Till then, God Bless: Incl: [signed] Art & Gloria |
ST. AGNES ALUMNI FALL '09 Deer Alumnus/Friend: First I want to apologize for the Fall letter being late, as most of
you know by now, I lost my beloved soul mate of 60 yrs on 9/24/09. Artie died enroot to the hospital in the ambulance. I am completely heart broken. I want to thank the Alumni Assn for the beautiful arrangement of flowers & all the Alumni who were at the wake & funeral Mass & especially Jim Merna & Gerry Merna who traveled all the way from Md. & VA. to pay their respects. I could not believe it when I saw them. I thank them for their loyal support. Also I want to thank the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, NY who were there. Artie had nothing but the best to say about the Sister of St Agnes, where he was raised. The winners of the raffle are as follows: The loyal Babcock brothers who are always so generous to the Alumni again got a good baseball game together & all the guys had a great time; some good hitters out on that field. Thanks for doing that each year. Dave Feliciano brought his equipment & the DVDs from the past& had them playing with beautiful music. It was great, thanks Dave. He also made a new. one this year. So much for the picnic. The Rhatigan family & the Mernas were both sadly missed due to sickness in the family. We are happy to add a new name to the mailing list : Louis LaBosco from Littleton, NC, great to have you aboard. Walter O'Rourke who turned 92 this month wrote & inquired if anyone hears from any of the St Agatha's kids from the 30's, I do not know that, he ha. 3 brothers, William, Philip & Robt, all deceased now. He said he got to know Phil Gordon after meeting him on a job where he worked. Thanks for the note & stay well, Happy Birthday. Nice note from David Kee along with his dues & chance money, plus donation. He tells us his brother is well again & ready to go traveling again. He himself spends most of his time on the golf course & shoots about 78. He doesn't walk the course anymore he rides the cart, at age 78 why not? Rec'd a little history about himself; known as Mario Miraldo but now goes by the name of Mario D. Roche that was the name he found out on his birth certificate, born in 1937, placed in St Dominic's 1941, transferred to St. Agnes 1951, graduated TZ HS 1955, joined the Air Force in 1955, discharged 4 years later, was married nearly 50 yrs, his wife died, raised 4 children & now lives in Bristol, VA. Thanks Mario, hope to see you at the picnic in 2010. A note from Wm Perales in CA. wanting to know if anyone has the address of Thomas Styles. He is not on our mailing list but if any one knows his address please send to : Wm. Perales, 6048 Belfield Ctr. Elk Grove, CA, 95758-6210. Jim Merna writes his son John, a LTC, in the Marine Corps graduated from the Army War College in Carlisle, PA. in June & earned a Master's Degree in Strategic Studies. John is a career Infantry officer with 20 yrs of service he now lives in Tampa, FL assigned to US Special Operations Command. Its mission is to provide provide fully capable operations Forces to defend the US & its interests & to plan operations against terrorist network. John is married with 2 daughters. He graduated from FL. State Univ. where he played football. A letter from Bill Herbert (49-53) informs us he has 20 grandchildren and between christenings & graduations, etc. he is kept very busy going places all the time. He enjoys them all so much. Some are graduated from college. Most of them play sports, 2 of them playing for Commack HS. The youngest son got a scholarship to Post V. He was voted Player of the year. He said Thank God he himself was brought up at St Dominic's & St Agnes. It helped him to be a better man. He always loves to laugh so he became a comedian in the school & had a lot of friends in the Home & TZ, a lot whom are deceased but thank God he is 74 & still going strong. He enjoys getting the letter. He said the Nuns & the Coach were all good to him. Thank so much, Bill & keep smiling. Along with a check, "Chip` Cipolla sent one of his famous drawings which I love & said a job well done. About the letter, thanks Chip, missed you in Aug. at the picnic. A long letter from Michael Morphis out of NY who last year got wrong directions from someone & missed the picnic. This year he got better directions & his son brought him to the picnic. He really enjoyed himself & mixed right in, even calling us the next day & said what a good time he had. In his letter he gave the Dominican Sisters & the Coach credit for his education & care he was given while at St Agnes. ANNUAL DUES : Dues $10.00 are due anytime make checks payable to St AgneS Alumni & send to above address: A Quote from a bulletin reads: Old age is like a bank account, you withdraw from what you put in. So my advice to you would be to deposit lots REMINDER: Please try to take 5 minutes each day to remember our service men & women & their families who are making such great sacrifices while serving our country so we may have peace in the world someday. R.I.P.: As I always say, it is so sad to mention names in this column. May their souls and all the souls rest in Peace! A donation was sent to Father Butler to offer Mass for all the deceased "House's Kids" & the deceased Dominican Nuns. I was asked by many of the Alumni to keep writing the letter for the Alumni, so l will do my best. I want to wish each & everyone a Blessed & Happy I want to thank Marty Crowe who phoned me from Hawaii soon as he got word of Artie's death. Thanks so much, Marty!
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