Early Mother's Days - Mother's Day History:"Facts about the history of the observance, from ancient holidays to the efforts of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis and how the founder of Mother's Day...... Mother's Day History
From Jone Johnson Lewis,
Your Guide to Women's History......
Ancient Celebrations of Mothers and Motherhood
People in many ancient cultures celebrated holidays honoring motherhood, personified as a goddess"(More....)
WebLinks: 'Noting Sisters' Good Works':The Journal News (Originally publication: April 26, 2006) "Rockland is fortunate to have many religious and secular groups that offer good works and good will to an increasingly diverse community. Political beliefs aside, even religious ones, these groups see only those in need of care, comfort, housing, some manner of service. Over the years this page has been privileged to commend many of them. Today it is time to note theDominican Sisters of Sparkill."
House Kids: 15 More Names Added To "House Kids List":(Fr.) Gregory Carroll, Chris Brannigan, John Watson, Alfred Sandaval,
Harry Holdner, Ed Teitz, Michael Morphis, Coveney (brothers),
Vincent Orlando, Paul Orlando, John Bodnar, Otto Kopf, Eugene Carroll, Rudy Loyola, Tony Fabrizi (brother of Paul Francis Fabrizi)
'Home Kids' By Nancy Canfield:The story of St. Agatha Home for Children: "We're going to take you kids," he pointed to each of us sitting on the couch and said our names in a sing-song voice "Jackie... Tommy... Hellen... David and Nancy," pausing between each name as if to prove he knew them, "to see a school tomorrow, a boarding school, see how you like it." He said this in a voice that implied it was temporary, like we'd have a choice about attending.
With those words the Canfield siblings began a journey that profoundly shaped their formative years. Home Kids is Nancy Canfield's courageous retelling of her family's dramatic story and the inspirational story of St. Agatha Home for Children.(More....)