St. Agnes Alumni WebNews Archive
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WebNews Archive  ---  Since Sunday October 17, 2004

(Music: "Chariots of Fire" )
WebNews #36 Monday May 25, 2009: "History of Memorial Day: "Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers, by proclamation of General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former sailors and soldiers."
WebNews #35 Sunday May 10, 2009: "Mother's Day History: "Spiritual Origin of Mothers Day: The majority of countries that celebrate Mother's Day do so on the second Sunday of May. On this day, it is common for Mothers to be lavished with presents and special attention from their families, friends and loved ones. But it hasn't always been this way."
WebNews #34 Thursday December 25, 2008: "The Nativity of Jesus: ".... or simply the Nativity, is the account of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels, and various apocryphal accounts that are a key element of traditional Christian mythology."
WebNews #33 Thanksgiving, Thursday November 27, 2008: "Get the history of the 1621 meal now known as The First Thanksgiving"
WebNews #32 Tuesday December 25, 2007: "Christmas Day: Adopt a Sister, send her a Christmas Card"
WebNews #31 Thanksgiving, Thursday November 22, 2007: "Ever wonder what the pilgrims and their Native American guests really ate at the first feast? The truth may surprise you. Contrary to popular belief, they didn't sit down to a meal featuring turkey, corn, cranberries, and pumpkin pie (in fact, they didn't even have forks!)."
WebNews #30 Wednesday July 4, 2007: "Independence Day": "In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as "the Fourth of July", "July Fourth" or "America Day") is a federal holiday celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain."
WebNews #29 Monday May 28, 2007: "History of Memorial Day": "Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves.
WebNews #28 Sunday May 13, 2007: "Happy Mother's Day": "The 2nd Sunday in May is set aside in the United States to celebrate mothers.
WebNews #27 Sunday April 8, 2007: "What is the Meaning of Easter?: "While the focus was once on Easter Sunday, now it is on the Easter Bunny. But Easter Sunday is much more than a day of colorful plastic eggs and chocolate bunnies; it is in fact a day that left the world forever changed."
WebNews #26 Saturday March 17, 2007: "Happy St. Patrick's Day: "Saint Patrick's Day (March 17th), is an Irish holiday honoring Saint Patrick, the missionary credited with converting the Irish to Christianity (in the A.D. 400's)."
WebNews #25 Wednesday February 14, 2007: "St. Valentine's Day: "The origins of St.Valentine's Day"
WebNews #24 Monday December 25, 2006: "Christmas Day: Adopt a Sister, send her a Christmas Card"
WebNews #23 Monday September 11, 2006: "Patriots Day: Letters: St. Agnes Alumni 60th Anniversary Dedication."
WebNews #22 Tuesday July 4, 2006: "The Declaration of Independence: of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
WebNews #21 Monday May 29, 2006: "Memorial Day: is much more than a three-day weekend that marks the beginning of summer. To many people, especially the nation's thousands of combat veterans, this day, which has a history stretching back all the way to the Civil War, is an important reminder of those who died in the service of their country....
WebNews #20 Sunday May 14, 2006: Early Mother's Days - Mother's Day History:"Facts about the history of the observance, from ancient holidays to the efforts of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis and how the founder of Mother's Day...... Mother's Day History From Jone Johnson Lewis, Your Guide to Women's History...... Ancient Celebrations of Mothers and Motherhood People in many ancient cultures celebrated holidays honoring motherhood, personified as a goddess"
WebNews #19 Sunday April 16, 2006: Easter: The Meaning of Easter:
"Jesus 'Christ' is known as the founder of 'Christianity'. Christmas is a Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus. At Easter, Christians celebrate their belief that Jesus came back to life after his death (called 'resurrection').
WebNews #18 Friday March 17, 2006: Saint Patrick's Day:
"Saint Patrick's Day (March 17th), is an Irish holiday honoring Saint Patrick, the missionary credited with converting the Irish to Christianity (in the A.D. 400's). In America, Saint Patrick's Day is a time to wear green and party. The first American celebration of Saint Patrick's Day was in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1737."
WebNews #17 Tuesday February 14, 2006: Valentines Day "Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery."
WebNews #16 Thursday November 24, 2005: Thanksgiving
"The First Thanksgiving: The story of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag begins before the Thanksgiving feast. Relive the Pilgrims' first year in America, and learn how the Wampanoag helped them survive in the New World...."
WebNews #15 Friday November 11, 2005: Veterans Day
"The President's 2005 Veterans Day Proclamation: A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America: Americans owe a great debt of gratitude to those who have sacrificed for our liberty and for the security of our Nation. We express deep appreciation to our veterans -- the men and women who stepped forward when America needed them, triumphed over brutal enemies, liberated continents, and answered the prayers of millions around the globe."
WebNews #14 Monday October 31, 2005: Halloween
History of Halloween: like any other festival's history is inspired through traditions that have transpired through ages from one generation to another. We follow them mostly as did our dads and grandpas. And as this process goes on, much of their originality get distorted with newer additions and alterations...... "
WebNews #13 Monday October 10, 2005: Columbus Day
"Columbus Day - a History: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS discovered America in 1492. At least that is what all elementary school children were always taught: "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Of course, Columbus never did "discover" North America, and the regions he did explore were already inhabited...... "
WebNews #12 Sunday September 11, 2005: Patriot Day
"911 'Never Forget' World Trade Center Tributes...... "
WebNews #11 Monday September 5, 2005: Labor Day
"History of Labor Day: How it Came About; What it Means "Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor...... "
WebNews #10 Monday July 4, 2005: Independence Day
"The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ........"
WebNews #9 Sunday June 19, 2005: Father's Day
"Father's Day History: Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June. The idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909."
WebNews #8 Monday May 30, 2005: Memorial Day
"Memorial Day: In 1865, Henry C. Welles, a druggist in the village of Waterloo, NY, mentioned at a social gathering that honor should be shown to the patriotic dead of the Civil War by decorating their graves."
WebNews #7 Saturday May 21, 2005: Armed Forces Day
"President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country."
WebNews #6 Sunday May 8, 2005: Mother's Day
"Ancient Celebrations of Mothers and Motherhood: People in many ancient cultures celebrated holidays honoring motherhood, personified as a goddess."
WebNews #5 Sunday March 27, 2005: Easter
"Piermont pier were last U.S. stops for 1.3M soldiers By Gerald McKinstry The Journal News, 3/9/05."
(forwarded to Jerry Merna by fellow Piermonter Bob Samuels.)
WebNews #4 Thursday March 17, 2005: St. Patrick's Day website fees are paid for 2 more year. Thanks to generosity of Nancy Canfield, a St. Agatha "Home Girl", and Jerry Merna, a "House Kid", our alumni website fees for 2006 and 2007 are paid in full.
WebNews #3 Saturday February 14, 2005: Valentine's Day
Thanks to a generous contribution by John J. Antonacci, a former House Kid, our website will have it's own home. Please contribute to support your alumni website.
WebNews #2 Friday December 24, 2004: Christmas
This is the first Christmas Issue of WebNews. Go
d Bless you with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Your.
WebNews #1 Sunday October 17, 2004: First Edition
This is the first issue of WebNews. Initially, WebNews will provide links to website additions and updates. Later, we'll include feature sections and articles.
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