From: John Antonacci
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:06 PM
Subject: St. Agnes Alumni 65th picnic a great success
On 8-13-11 at the Piermont Pavilion our 65th picnic was held.
Over 100 alumni, family and friends attended.
We have something in common with the NY Yankees.
They also celebrated their 65th Old Timers Day.
The weather was beautiful and there was plenty of good refreshments.
Deborah Moriarty baked cookies, cakes brownies, etc. The carrot cake was outstanding.
David Mc Millan, his wife Pat and their son Kenneth, did all the cooking of the food.
Gloria Kingsley and Pat Moriarty did a wonderful job hosting the picnic.
The miracle at the picnic this year was Gerald Merna. He looked great after having surgery.
He thanks all for their prayers.
Some of the Alumni at the picnic were Peter and Danny Rodriquez, Rudy Loyola, his wife and son from Vt.
John Mc Millan, who I haven't seen in over 59+ years. I saw him last when he returned from the Korean war.
He lives in Fl. Donald Dillon 85 yrs., Paul Fabriz, Frank Bradicich, John P. Haggerty (52-59) from SC.
George Favre, Walter Schroder, Raul Morales. There were many other Alumni to numerous to name
The Sisters who came from St. Agnes to visit us were Sr. Jonan Dees, Sr. Jearnne Dees, Sr. Marie Anton,
Sr. Rose Michael, Sr. Catherine Tahaney, etc.
The Following families could not attend: the Herbert family had a death of a family member;
our prayers go out to Bill Herbert’s son in law Gerard; David Feliciano’s family were on a cruise;
Raymond Adames was in Italy; Joe Bob Stanaitis has a back injury; John Diaz works on Sat.,
Hope to see you on our 66th alumni picnic.
God Bless All!