![]() From: Pat E. Moriarty
Sent: Thursday, 07/25/2013 2:49 PM
ANNUAL PICNIC 8-17-2013 - Picnic Update
ST. AGNES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Just a pre-picnic note regarding some items of interest. I know these emails do not get to everyone on our mailing list but I hope that you can do some outreach for the association by contacting friends, etc. and encouraging them to attend the picnic on Saturday, August 17, or at least update us on their location and status. Sister Peggy Scarano has confirmed that the Mass this year will be held at the Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel which is located at the motherhouse. This will give us an opportunity to share the Mass with the sisters. Time - 11:30 AM. Plan to arrive a bit earlier if possible. Enter the DOMINICAN CONVENT entrance. Plenty of convenient parking. The response to the dues and chance book mailings has been great. As usual received an inspirational mailing from Frank Pastore. As expected the Pope is exemplifying the St. Francis of Assisi model of service. Bill Herbert’s daughter, Diane, (along with a generous contribution) reported that Bill and a contingent of Herberts will be attending the picnic this year. Diane - you may want to route the pictures to David or Peter Feliciano at dtf@stagnesalumni.org or pfeliciano@stagnesalumni.org. That may get them onto the St. Agnes website and the Facebook site as well. Also, received a brochure from Fr. Ed Figueroa, O.M.I. outlining the many services to the poor that his mission provides including a new project to deal with the disease of chemical dependency. Fr. Ed celebrated his 80th birthday this year. If anyone is interested in supporting the mission the mailing address is Fr. Ed Figueroa, O.M.I., Community God and Our Lady, Avenida Guararapes, 250 CP. 162 - Recife - PE 50010-970 - Brasil. Jerry Merna, our master of all things Piermont, was kind enough to send along a report that there would be a plane crash drill scheduled for August 17th at the Piermont pier. Deb and I were in Piermont on Tuesday, (7/23) to check on the new kitchen facilities (they have been redone following storm damage) and spoke to Sylvia at the Village Clerk’s office. She assured us that the emergency training exercise would not affect our event at the pavilion. However, there might be a squeeze on parking right at the pavilion so Lot D on Gair Street (right around the corner) would be available to us. Pat & Deb |